Welcome to
Anslow Parish Council’s website
Anslow Parish Council’s website has been developed to provide useful local information and a link between the Parish Council and the residents of Anslow
The next meeting of Anslow Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 8th January 2025
Please find enclosed the agenda
For all enquiries email:clerk.anslowparishcouncil@gmail.com
Anslow Parish Council is non-political and has 7 elected/co-opted representative seats from the local parish. Councillors volunteer their time to represent the views of the local community and help deliver services to improve the quality of life for everyone living and working in Anslow. Click here for additional information.
This website includes information about the work of the Parish Council and the Planning Committee, local footpaths & bridleways and information about local events. It also includes links to local contacts and organisations: Click Here
Please note that the post box that was out of action on Main Road has now been restored to its full working order
“Let’s Beat Loneliness Together” Campaign
Burton Police Notice “No Cold Callers”
Tithe Maps for Anslow and surrounding parishes
Rights of Way Map for Anslow Parish
30/40mph Wheelie Bin Stickers Email the Clerk to order your stickers
Website Disclaimer
This website is funded, managed and operated by Anslow Parish Council.
Any amendments and updates can only be facilitated by the Parish Clerk.
Anslow Parish Council reserves the right to reject any requirement submitted if it is considered to represent a conflict of interest or is deemed inappropriate for publication.
Anslow Parish Council accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or content of linked websites managed by other organisations.
Please contact the clerk if you experience any accessibility issues when using this website. Clerk.anslowparishcouncil@gmail.com.
PLEASE NOTE that links to external websites and attached documents may not display in a format optimised for mobile phones.