The next meeting of Anslow Parish Council is the Annual Parish Meeting on
Wednesday 11th September at 6.30pm
at Anslow Village Hall, Main Road, Anslow

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend for part or all of the Meeting. The meetings are held bi-monthly and are usually held on a Wednesday evening, starting with a 15 minute public session inviting the public to raise any matters of concern.

Once the public session is over, members of the public can leave or they are welcome to stay for the remainder of the meeting, but they are not entitled to speak during the formal business of the council unless specifically invited to do so by the Chair.

2024 Parish Council Meetings commencing 6:30pm

Wednesday January 10th, 2024 – 6.30pm – Parish Council meeting

Wednesday March 13th, 2024 – 6.30pm – Parish Council meeting

Wednesday May 8th, 2024 – 6.30pm – Annual Meeting of the Parish Council/Annual Parish Meeting

Wednesday July 10th, 2024 – 6.30pm – Parish Council Meeting


Wednesday September 11th, 2024 – 6.30pm – Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday November 6th, 2024 – 6.30pm – Parish council meeting


2024 Parish Council Meetings Commencing 6.30pm

10th January 2024

Agenda – 1oth January 2024

Minutes – 10th January 2024

13th March 2024

Agenda 13th March 2024

Minutes – 13th March 2024

8th May 2024

Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 2024 8th May 2024

Minutes Annual Parish Meeting 2024 8th May 2024 – DRAFT

Agenda Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 8th May 2024

Minutes Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 8th May 2024

10th July 2024

Agenda – 10th July 2024

Minutes – 1oth July 2024 – DRAFT

2023 Parish Council Meetings commencing 6:30pm

4th January 2023

Agenda – 4th January 2023

Minutes – 4th January 2023

1st February 2023 – Extraordinary Meeting

Agenda – 1st February 2023

Minutes – 1st February 2023

22nd March 2023

Agenda – 22nd March 2023

Minutes – 22nd March 2023

24th May 2023 – Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Agenda – 24th May 2023

Minutes – 24th May 2023

12th July 2023

Agenda – 12th July 2023

Minutes – 12th July 2023

13th September 2023

Agenda – 13th September 2023

Minutes – 13th September 2023

1st November 2023

Agenda – 1st November 2023

Minutes – 1st November 2023

2022 Parish Council Meetings commencing 6:30pm

26th January 2022

Agenda – 26th January 2022

Minutes – 26th January 2022

23rd March 2022

Agenda – 23rd March 2022

Minutes – 23rd March 2022

25th May 2022 – Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Agenda – 25th May 2022

Minutes – 25th May 2022

1st June 2022 – Annual Parish Meeting

Agenda – 1st June 2022

Minutes 1st June 2022 – DRAFT

6th July 2022 

Agenda – 6th July 2022

Minutes 6th July 2022

Traffic Calming Drawing – 1 of 2

Traffic Calming Drawing – 2 of 2

12th October 2022

Agenda – 12th Oct 2022

Minutes – 12th Oct 2022

23rd November 2022

Agenda – 23rd Nov

Minutes – 23rd Nov

2021 Parish Council Meetings commencing 6:30pm

Minutes will remain as draft, until they have been approved at the following Parish Council meeting.

Minutes APC 20th January 2021

Minutes APC 31st March 22021 (Amended date)

Minutes Annual Meeting PC 5th May 2021 (Amended date)

Minutes Anslow ANNUAL PARISH Meeting 26 May 2021  (Draft)

Draft Minutes APC 15th July 2021 (Amended date)

22nd September 2021



10th November 2021



Parish Council Meetings 2020

Monday 27th January 2020   Agenda     Minutes 

Wednesday 11th March   Agenda     Minutes 

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL – Wednesday 6th May   Agenda     Minutes


Wednesday 8th July – Agenda     Minutes

Friday 21st August – Agenda Extraordinary Meeting  Minutes

Wednesday 23rd September Agenda  Minutes

Wednesday 4th November 2020  Agenda      Minutes

Parish Council Meetings 2019

23rd January 2019 Agenda  Minutes Click here

6th March Agenda  Minutes Click here

1st May ANSLOW’s ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – 7.30pm start  Agenda  Draft Minutes Click here

8th May ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL  7.30 pm start   Agenda  Minutes Click here

10th July Agenda  Minutes Click here

11th September Agenda   Minutes Click here

6th November 2019 Agenda    Minutes Click here

Parish Council Meetings 2018

Minutes 24 January 2018 – Agenda

Minutes 14 March 2018  – Agenda

Minutes 2 May 2018 –  Agenda

Minutes 25th July 2018 – Agenda

Minutes 5th September 2018 – Agenda

Minutes 7th November 2018 – Agenda

Minutes (Draft) of Anslow Annual Parish Meeting 23rd May 2018