
Model Councillor Code of Conduct Adopted Oct 2022

Financial Regulations – Adopted July 2024

Model Standing Orders 2020 – Adopted July 2024

General Privacy Notice – Adopted Dec 2022

Risk Register – Adopted Dec 2022 

Website Accessibility Statement – Reviewed November 2022

Asset Register – Adopted March 2024

Modern Slavery Statement – Adopted July 2022

Publication Scheme – Adopted Oct 22

Annual Governance and Accountability Returns 


2023/2024 – Accounting Statement

2023/2024 –  Annual Governance Statement

2023/2024 – Certificate of Exemption

2023/2024 – Internal Audit Report

2023/2024 – Notice of appointment of date for the exercise of public rights for the year ending 31.03.23

2023/2024 – Bank Reconciliation

2023/2024 – Explanation of Variances


2022/2023 – Confirmation of Contact Details

2022/2023 – Certificate of Exemption

2022/2023 – Annual Governance Statement

2022/2023 – Internal Auditors Report

2022/2023 – Accounting Statement

2022/2023 – Bank Reconciliation

2022/2023 – Explanation of Variances

2022/2023 – Notice of appointment of date for the exercise of public rights for the year ended 31.03.23


2021/2022 – Confirmation of Contact Details

2021/2022 – Certificate of Exemption

2021/2022 – Annual Governance Statement

2021/2022 – Internal Auditor’s Report

2021/2022 – Accounting Statement

2021/2022 – Bank Reconciliation

2021/2022 – Explanation of Variances

2021/2022 – Notice of appointment of date for the exercise of public rights for the year ended 31.03.22


2020.21 Notice of appointment of date for the exercise of public rights for the year ended 31st March 2021

2021/2021 Audit Certificate of Exemption

2020/21 Audit Annual Governance Statement

2020/21 Audit Accounting Statements

2020.21 Annual Internal Audit Report

2020.21 Audit Bank Reconciliation as at 31st March 2021

2020.21 Significant Variances in the Accounting Statements


Certificate of Exemption 2019/20 – Click Here

Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 Click Here

Accounting Statements 2019/20 – Click Here

Annual Internal Audit Report 2019/20 Click Here

Explanation of Variances  Click Here

Bank Reconciliation Click Here

Notice of Appointment of date for exercise of Public Rights 2019/2020 – Click Here

Certificate of Exemption 2018-19 – Click Here

Annual Governance Statement – Click Here and Accounting Statements 2018-19 – Click Here

Annual Internal Audit Report 2018-19 Click Here

Bank Reconciliation – Click Here

Notice of Appointment of date for exercise of Public Rights 2018-19 – Click Here

Certificate of Exemption 2017/18 – Click Here

Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements 2017-18 – Click Here

Annual Internal Audit Report 2017/18 Click Here

Explanation of Variances, Bank Reconciliation and Notice of Appointment of date for exercise of Public Rights

2017-18 – Click Here

Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements 2016-17 – Click Here